INTERVIEW // MITCH ZORN on returning ‘Home’

By Staff – Hailing from Nakusp, BC, and having recently returned to Canada after spending 4 years splitting time between Texas & Tennessee, Mitch Zorn is primed to take over the Canadian Country Music Scene. With over 10 years experience playing stages across Canada and the U.S., Mitch has quite the resume for an up and comer. Most notably, Mitch appeared on CBC news for his single “Humboldt,” a cut he penned in 2018 to commemorate the 16 lives lost in the tragic accident. Since then, Mitch has released a full studio EP, has another on the way, and has played over 75 shows across British Columbia in the last calendar year.

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your new single “Home”?
Yeah! So I spent most of my 20s working in the oil and gas industry as an electrician and in that line of work you spend a lot of time on the road, a lot of time travelling. In 2018, I landed a job down in Texas and I spent a few years there living and working and I’d spend my time off in Nashville so the single is basically about that experience and having to leave my life, routine and loved ones to go to work and support myself and the song came out of that.
What do you hope listeners take away from the lyrics of the song?
I hope people will find some comfort in the song if they’ve lived a similar lifestyle, if they’re like me and travel a lot. It’s not easy having to spend time away from the people you care about so I hope they can relate to that.

How would you describe the sound and style of “Home” compared to your other music?
I would say it’s my most “mainstream” country sound as far as all my other songs go. It has some elements of rock, elements of pop, but for the most part it’s right down the middle country music.
What was the recording process like for this song? Any memorable moments or challenges?
I wouldn’t say we had any challenges, but it was one of the a batch of songs I recorded with a couple guys in Vancouver named Garret Ward and Dan Botch, and it was new relationship at the time so it was exciting, a lot of experimenting with new sounds and getting out of my comfort zone. The process was very organic and I think the boys nailed it as far as the sound I had in my head goes.
How did you come up with the catchy chorus for “Home”? Was it based on personal experiences or observations?
it was definitely based on personal experience but at the time I wrote I also remember sitting down wanting to write a more melodic, poppy sound song, dare I say radio song.
What message or feeling were you trying to convey through the music video for “Home”?
I was trying to paint a picture of longing, try to build a story around a strong love and the difficulty that comes with having to leave that person to make a living.
Have you received any feedback from fans or listeners about the song? If so, how has it been received?
Yeah! Everything has been quite positive so far, we’re getting a lot of good playlisting and radio interest and getting a lot of messages in support of the song so that is definitely a good feeling.
Can you tease any upcoming projects or collaborations that fans can look forward to?
Well this single is the first of a few that will lead into a full album before the year ends which I’m really excited about. I think we started off on a really good note and I’m excited to see where it goes from here.

Facebook: /MitchZorn26
Instagram: @mitchzorn

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